
Recent Articles in Products & equipment

Psoriasis - Barefoot botanicals S.O.S Rescue me Face and body cream
Tippitoes Babywalker
Psoriasis - Cardiospernum cream and shampoo tried and tested
MagniCard - for the times when you need to read the small print!
Dribblebuster – it’s goodbye to the bib!
Tesco nappies - three panel members compared them to their usual brand
Facial wipes - PWT panel members put them to the test
Pro Chef Quattro - the express food preparation system
Green People organic skin creams: Body Comfort and Vita Min Fix
Plucking your eyebrows has never been so easy thanks to Champneys Illuminated Tweezers, Clari Tweeze and TweezLight .
Green People Organic Baby and Children products
Tippitoes Star Wrap - keeping baby snug and warm