publication date: Oct 19, 2010

Now's your chance to nominate a
museum you think is particularly
family friendly – may be a small,
local museum, or a large and
lofty national. It can contain absolutely anything. It just has to be
especially welcoming to everyone, of every age.
Perhaps it’s the
notice by the meteorite
saying, "This is the oldest object you will ever touch." Or a
toddler being invited to
roar at a ruff-collared duke’s portrait in the
17th century gallery to show early appreciation of art? Or the
quiet chat about a wartime childhood between a
grandparent and grandchild over a 1940s record player on display? More and more
museums are welcoming
noisy, nosey families of all ages. It’s
visitors who bring a
museum alive.
Now it’s
families chance to say where they do this best. Previous winners include a tiny
two-room art gallery in Cornwall, a University
natural history collection in Oxford and an
open-air museum with a mineshaft in the Pennines. It’s not what’s in the
cabinets that counts, but how a
family feels when they walk in the door.
Nominations for the Award
close on
3 December 2010.
Nominations can be made by
email: or by
post: Guardian Family Friendly Museum Award,
Kids in Museums, Downstream Building, One London Bridge, London SE1 9BG