publication date: Aug 11, 2010
author/source: Anne Coates

World Health Organisation (WHO) recommends exclusive
breastfeeding for the first six months and then
breast milk should continue to be an important part of a
baby's diet in the first year. The problem for mothers is how to feed
expressed milk to a young baby. The use of
conventional bottle and teats means the milk
flows automatically which is very different from the way a
baby suckles at the breast. Very
young babies find this confusing and some either
refuse the bottle or even worse
give up the breast!
Medela have come up with the solution:
Calma the bottle with a
teat designed to support the
breastfeeding mother. Babies being fed from the
Calma bottle have to
suckle in exactly the same way they would at the
breast. And when they pause the
milk flow pauses as well.
Calma is excellent for
breastfeeding mothers when they want to go out an leave a bottle of
expressed milk for baby or when they are
returning to work.
I used
Calma for Harriet when Olivia
went to work at a week's summer school.
Harriet soon got the hang of it and was
happy to take a bottle of
expressed milk. It meant that Olivia could be
reassured that her baby was being
fed and that it wouldn't affect her
breastfeeding routine.
I would
recommend Calma to any
breastfeeding mother as a
great standby –
Calma also means Dad could take a turn at the
night feeds!
Calma – which is
PBA free – is sold exclusively in
Mothercare at £11.99.