publication date: Oct 6, 2010
author/source: Anne Coates

boon for anyone who's ever had to
feed a baby when mum is not around – a
bottle that
warms the milk within!
yoomi warmer, which contains the same gel used in
hand warmers, is activated by simply pressing the
orange button. By using a clever "
phase change" material (meaning it changes from a
liquid to a
solid) yoomi
generates heat. The cold
feed is gently
warmed as it
flows through the specially designed
channels on the outside of the
warmer. By the time the
feed reaches the
teat, it is at natural
breast milk temperature (32 to 34˚C).
warmer, which has been designed so that it
cannot overheat the feed,
stays warm for up to an hour.
yoomi is 100 per cent
BPA free, meets the highest safety standards and has undergone
extensive testing by an array of experts. Its very soft
silicone teat is loved by even fussy babies, making yoomi the ideal bottle for
combination feeding.
yoomi can be used with or without the
After use the
warmer has to be
reactivated by boiling in water for 15 minutes.
yoomi is great if you are
out and about when you don't have access to any other
warmer and is particularly useful for
dads and carers and
babysitters. As soon as a
baby wakes for a feed – you know you can
supply it in just
one minute!
Product range and pricing:• Bottle (5oz) + warmer in one – RRP £22.50
• Warmer – RRP £16.00
• Bottle (5oz) – RRP £7.50 (which can be used with or without the warmer)
• Slow flow teats (2 in pack) – RRP £4.50
• Medium flow teats (2 in pack) – RRP £4.50