publication date: Feb 24, 2012
author/source: Anne Coates

years ago a friend on mine's fourth child
refused to eat much more than pizza and chiocolate. My friend was
laid back about it – he was her fourth son after all. Ten years on, during a recent telephone conversation, my friend said that this
reluctant eater was at that moment cooking steak – and making a
béarnaise sauce!
Carlos González would probably have laughed along with us. He is a
paediatrition and father of three who teaches courses on
breastfeeding for medical professionals.
My Child Won't Eat! is an
excellent book designed to
reassure the worried
parent and boost parents' confidence when they are doing the right thing.
The sections on
breastfeeding and
weaning are superlative! The
frequently asked questions in Part IV produce a mine of well researched
information and sensible, down-to-earth
Feeding your
baby and
toddler and the associated
stresses can undermine a new parent. With this book to hand, parents will find the support they need.
If you buy
one book about feeding your baby and toddler, buy
My Child Won't Eat! and you will not be disappointed.
Read it while you are
pregnant, then dip into it when you need to.
My Child Won't Eat!: How to enjoy mealtimes without worry
published by
Pinter & Martin is available from Amazon.