publication date: Oct 26, 2010
author/source: Olivia Coates

I first
started taking Harriet
swimming when she was about
nine weeks old and we went to a
swimming pool that had a specially heated pool for
babies and
When our local
pool reopened I wanted to take her to
swimming lessons there as it was nearer but unfortunately it has no dedicated
baby pool.
What we
needed, I learned, was a
wetsuit. Harriet has been wearing the
Extra Warm Baby Wetsuit from
baby wetsuit gives extra cover by having
long arms and
legs. It is
soft and fleece lined.
The Extra Warm Baby Wetsuit is really easy to put on as it has a
long back opening with Velcro fastening.
The Extra Warm Baby Wetsuit is especially good for babies who need the extra warmth for whatever
The The Extra Warm Baby Wetsuit costs £25 from Swimbabes – – and comes in five sizes from to fit babies from birth to 24 months.