publication date: Nov 26, 2009

Are you a
Change Thinker or a
Change Maker? Do you plan for
change, whether it's
imposed on you or it's change you
want to make? Or do you
proactively drive change in your life?
Whatever your
personal style,
Embracing Change by world expert on the brain
Tony Buzan, will help you take a
considered, logical, truthful
approach to change in your life.
Mind Mapping changeWhen a
change is required - whether it's
coping with a new management structure at work,
starting a business yourself,
planning when to have a
baby – or even for retirement –
Mind Mapping thoughts, feelings and actions
towards that change will help you
uncover the truth about what you really
feel and want from the change.
Done thoroughly, it can be a path to
enlightenment... and an
improved outcome. By plotting "
change action" against "
change inaction", and weighing up all the
outcomes, it becomes easier to see where the
true course of change should lie for you as an
techniques Buzan teaches in
Embracing Change are techniques for
life. They can be
applied to any change situation, short or long term, and can be used to
plan for the
future. And maybe even to change the world!
Parenting Without Tears has four
Embracing Change Kits (total value £25 each), consisting of the book, a Mind Map pad and mouse mat - plus a set of 15
Stabilo "Color Hits" mini
fineliners to be won.
answer this question:
Who invented Mind Maps?Enter hereWinners will be the senders of the
first four correct emails opened at
random after 3pm on
23 December, 2009. Only
one entry per household.
Embracing Change, BBC Active, £9.99 from good bookstores everywhere, or order online at or from Amazon:
Embracing Change: Essential Steps to Make Your Future Today (Mind Set)