publication date: Aug 20, 2009

"When you can remember things well, you can achieve anything you want" – Tony Buzan, inventor of the Mind Map®
Tony Buzan's
Mind Maps for Kids books place the
essential tools for a lifetime of fun,
creative learning and invaluable
memory skills firmly into our youngsters' hands - utilising his world renowned,
revolutionary learning and creative technique - the
Mind Map®.
Mind Maps for Kids: An Introduction (rrp £14.99),
Max Your Memory and Concentration (rrp £12.99) and
Study Skills (rrp £12.99) are published by Harper Collins and available from and good book stores.
Mind Maps are a special form of
note-taking and planning that work with your
brain to make it easier to
remember things. They use
colour and images to help get your imagination whirring and the way you draw them, with words or images resting on connecting, curvy lines or "
branches", helps get your memory tuned. They
work really well because they combine the two
star players in your memory -
imagination and
Mind Maps for Kids: Max your Memory and Concentration shares Tony's amazing memory
techniques - showing children how they too can become
champions of their own memories. The book will help them to
memorise virtually anything permanently,
recall information under pressure and
cut study time right down... with amazing results!
good memory is all about how we
manage our brain's
capacity. A super-powered memory involves
combining left and right brain
abilities to maximum effect.
Left brain processes deal with logic, analysis, words, lists, number, sequence and linearity.
Right brain processes focus on rhythm, imagination, daydreaming, colour, dimension, spatial awareness and whole picture thinking. Everyone uses
both sides, in every task they tackle - even if we profess to be "right brain" or "left brain"
dominant. Buzan wraps these
right/left brain elements into a series of powerful memory
techniques which become the means for recalling anything, with practice.
PWT has four
Mind Mapping Max your Memory Kits up for grabs, worth
£30 each. They consist of the
Mind Maps for Kids: Max your Memory and Concentration book and a set of
15 Stabilo Color Hits fineliners, plus a Mind Map
mouse mat and
sketch book.
enter our competition
answer this simple question:
Who invented Mind Maps?The
winners will be the senders of the
first four correct emails opened at random after 6pm on
Friday 18 September 2009.
Enter here.