publication date: Nov 12, 2012
author/source: Anne Coates

As both a
reader and a
writer I have always loved the
short story format. Good writing in managable chunks is great for
busy parents and with more and more people reading on
smart phones and
Kindles on their way to work the
ebook is really coming into its own.
You can find out more about what is going on near you in
libraries and
local radio stations from
National Short Story Week (NSSW) – there are
readings and activities for both adults and
children and
young people. Short fiction is a good way of
encouraging children to read if they are daunted by long books.
Plus in celebration of the
short story we are offering you the chance to download a
free story from my collection
: Cheque-Mate & Other Tales of the Unexpected
Free download: The Woman at Number 9