publication date: Apr 14, 2010
author/source: Alex Bell

There is something fantastically
nostalgia inducing about singing along to the words of "
Up above the streets and houses rainbow climbing high…" until my five year old asks how
I know the words to
his new review dvd and asks accusingly "did you watch it before me?!"
Rainbow – Naughty Zippy is back with
five episodes full of mischief and fun from the
Rainbow team, familiar to most
parents who grew up with a
TV during the 70s and 80s.
Rainbow ran for years
complete with songs, nursery rhymes,
comedy and stories.The
main cast of Rainbow are and were
Geoffrey the presenter and narrator, George the
bashful pink hippo who giggles lots, Bungle the
adult sized bear and
Zippy with his zip for a mouth who is the
naughtiest and loudest of the gang.
Toby, aged five, thought Zippy was
hysterical and enjoyed
his naughtiness immensely. To
adult eyes Rainbow is fantastically
old fashioned, from the 70s graphics to
Geoffrey's rainbow bright outfits but it has stood the
test of time well and
appealed to Toby as a
first time viewer.
Rainbow - Naughty Zippy makes for perfect
retro viewing for parents and children alike.
DVD has five episodes:
1. Naughty Zippy
2. I'm the King of the Castle
3. Snow
4. Treasure Hunt
5. The Zippybread Man
To order from Amazon click here:
Rainbow - Naughty Zippy [DVD]