publication date: Apr 16, 2010
author/source: Nicole Burroughs

If, like me, you’re a bit
phased by the idea of
potty-training, then
The Potty Training Bible could be just the
solution you’re looking for.
The book is a well laid out and
practical guide to the four current leading
potty training philosophies:
- Early Days – for those who want to potty train their baby before it turns one
- Non-Stop-Bot – for those who want to try and crack it in one week
- By The Clock – for routine driven families
- Gently Does It – for those who are happy to go with the flow
You can chose your
preferred method as early as
chapter 1 and simply read the
section relating to that
method, or you can
read the book in its entirety and get an
overview of each method and decide at the end which
suits you best.
Jo Wiltshire's
The Potty Training Bible is not preachy at all, and
highlights the
pros and cons of each method realistically, with added
comments from experts and
parents alike.
decided we will probably go the
Non-Stop-Bot route, and although Eva (21 months) is
not quite ready yet, I feel more
confident now that I know
what signs to look out for and I
more ready to take on the
Published by
White Ladder, an imprint of
Crimson Publishing The Potty Training Bible: The Only Impartial Guide to All Your Potty Training Options - for Boys and Girls
is available from
Amazon – to order, just
click the link.