publication date: Mar 29, 2012

Getting your child to be
dry through the night can be a stressful time for
parents but for the
half a million or so children between the ages of
five and 16 who
continue to wet the bed it can be a difficult and
isolating problem.
Education and Resources for Improving Childhood Continence – has updated and redesigned its
free booklet for parents. It gives
clear, practical advice and guidance as well as detailing the
treatments and interventions available.
booklet explains what
causes bedwetting, how it can be resolved,
what parents can do to help and much more. It is a must for
every parent whose child
wets the bed.
ERIC's booklet is free to
download and single hard copies are available for 50p + pp - order from the
ERIC shop. For
health professionals, bulk orders are available.
information and support on bedwetting, daytime wetting, constipation and soiling and potty training call
ERIC's helpline available 24/7: 0845 370 8008;
text 447 624 811 636 or