publication date: Jul 27, 2007
Janey Louise Jones' character,
Princess Poppy discovers what it's like to be
seven years old in these
delightful books, which
explore situations any child might find herself in and
emotions she may find
startling. Stimulating
story-lines and fun to

young readers in the four to seven age group
Princess Poppy The Baby Twins captivating story of
sibling joy - and
Poppy can't wait for her
mum to have the
twins but when they do arrive
life changes completely and Poppy has to get used to
sharing her
mum and
dad as well as come to
terms with being the
big sister.

A great tool for
parents preparing an older child for the
arrival of a baby brother or sister.
Jealousy is a theme
explored in
Friends Together only this time it's
between friends when Poppy shows she has an
unpleasant side to her
character and is not beyond a little
deceit to get herself out of an
awkward situation! Plus Poppy is still
adjusting to having the
twins in her life as well.

older readers - about seven to nine - there's
The Big Mix-up when Poppy becomes the
biggest gossip in Honey Pot Hill.
Poppy and her mum
spend a day together -
without the twins - working the
sewing shop. But Poppy gets carried away with
village gossip. Will her
friends ever
forgive her for
spreading so many
rumours and untruths?
And there's a
spooky adventure for Poppy and her friend Honey in
The Haunted Holiday.
This is Poppy's
first time abroad, first time
flying, first time away from her
family - exciting but a
bit scary. As if that wasn't enough just who is
haunting their holiday in a
French castle?
For Princess Poppy fans there are also two activity books:
Puzzle and Play and
Petals and Picnics - great for a rainy afternoons!.
Princess Poppy books are published by Random House Children's Books. To order from
Amazon click the links below
The Baby Twins (Princess Poppy)
Friends Together (Princess Poppy)
Princess Poppy: The Big Mix Up (Princess Poppy)
Princess Poppy: The Haunted Holiday (Princess Poppy)
Princess Poppy - Puzzle and Play: A Sticker Activity Book (Princess Poppy)
Petals and Picnics: A Make and Do Book (Princess Poppy)