publication date: May 2, 2007
In response to the terrible tragedies that have befallen young children who have been badly savaged - sometimes to the point of death - by a family pet, vet Kendal Shepherd has set about producing a guide for children that will help them understand what makes their canine companions tick.
Beginning with “Being cross does not make you boss” and ending with “Teach your dog to say ‘please’”, The Canine Commandments makes good, sensible reading and is wittily illustrated throughout by Victor Ambrus.
Even young children will benefit from having this book read to them and the introduction written for parents is excellent.

Mathew, aged 10, who doesn't own
a dog but regularly
looks after a friend's,
liked the book "because it
teaches you how to
look after your dog and it was
easy to read.
"I like
Commandments 3 and 9 especially.
3 is important because
hitting or kicking a dog is animal
cruelty and it will make your dog
badly behaved. I like
9 because if you take an object by
force it could
damage your
dog's teeth and give the dog toothache.
"I don't like the
pictures because they are a
bit dull but I would still
buy the book."
Phoebe, aged 9, and about to become a
loved the book and read it in one sitting.
"This book is about
how to train your dog
properly! I
enjoyed it because it’s
fun to read and has
good advice inside. I liked it when it shows you the
ladder of aggression.
"I would
recommend this book because the
illustrations are
great. I also think it’s a
fab book for all people with dogs or going to get a dog.
It helps me prepare."
Published by by Broadcast Books, to buy from Amazon please click below.
The Canine Commandments