publication date: Aug 18, 2007

As part of
Heritage Open Days this year, the
National Trust will be opening many of its
properties for
free on Saturday, 8 September and is
inviting visitors to
discover and
share their
stories. A series of
events at
historic houses, gardens and other
properties across the
country will include
oral history recordings, workshops and family history
taster sessions.
Trust properties, in conjunction with the
Society of Genealogists, will show how to
begin tracing your
family tree. Others will be giving visitors the
chance to record
memories of their
lives and to listen to the
fascinating reminiscences of people
connected to the
properties, not just of the
families who lived there, but of former
cooks, maids and
footmen to
evacuees, nurses and wartime
servicemen and women.
support these events, the
Trust will be
launching a major
on-line resource to
provide a wealth of
hints and
advice on
researching your family history and
heritage. The site will include a
surname profiler to discover the
roots of your name, a
memory map on which to
upload and
share your memories, and t
op tips from family history and
genealogy experts on researching your
family tree.
For details of
National Trust properties taking part and to
view the Trust's on-line
family history and heritage
resource, visit:
Photo Cragside © NTPL Ian Shaw