publication date: Sep 28, 2007
author/source: Anne Coates
Eight year-old Adam was very
unhappy when he couldn’t find his copy of
The Boys’ Annual – his favourite book. Apparently he’s
still looking for it, although may have
lent it to a friend who hasn’t
returned it. So Adam will be
relieved to know the
2008 edition is now published!

In the
days of such
high-tech entertainment for
children, it’s rather
reassuring that this
type of book which
harks back to the annuals of the
1950s, is so
popular! A quick glance at the
contents reveals Survival Guides,
Fun Facts, Things to Make and,
bringing us nicely into 2008,
Green Stuff: Boys Save the Planet. I
suspect Ways to Annoy Your Brother or Sister will become a
well-thumbed section!
While Adam was
hunting for his
annual, younger sister
Iona – just celebrating her
seventh birthday - told me she’d like
The Girls’ Annual. Looking at the
2008 edition and seeing one of the
comic strip stories – The Strange Case of the Spooky School Trip - took me
back to my days of reading
Judy! There are Quizzes,
Arts and Crafts, Health and Beauty and
Puzzles, plus for the environment –
Green Sisters! And mums, check out
Forty Things Every Girl Should Do In Her Lifetime – how many have you
The Boys’ Annual 2008 and
The Girls’ Annual 2008 are published by
Michael O’Mara Books. To order a copy from
Amazon, please click the
link below:
The Boys' Annual 2008 (Annual)
The Girls' Annual 2008 (Annual)