publication date: Nov 24, 2010
author/source: Anne Coates

According to a
recent survery carried out by
Reader's Digest, parents believe that they should be
encouraging their children to
read and write more and nearly half the
children polled thought they would
benefit from the parents spending more time
reading and writing with them.
What a sad reflection of our
society when there are so many
good books to be read and
reading with your
children is such a wonderful way to
cuddle up together plus the
topics can be a starting point for
conversation – something else
some parents find difficult with both
very young and older
Barney Saltberg's
Beautiful Oops! published by
Workman Publishing is an example of an
excellent book to read with babies – the cover says from
three years up but I have found handling
books carefully with a
baby means you can start them
young! My own daughter loved
books from babyhood and her s
even month old is following in her footsteps...
Beautiful Oops! takes you through turning a
mistake (like spilling some paint) into lots of
creative possibilities. This is a gem of a book and
Barney Salzberg's final sentence would make a
good maxim for us all:
When you think you have made a mistake, think of it as an opportunity to make something beautiful!
Beautiful OOPS
is available from Amazon.