publication date: Sep 5, 2011
author/source: Anne Coates

sixth form is a major milestone in your
teenager's life. They will be treated more like an adult – a
student – at
school or
college and will be expected to react and
behave accordingly. Yet just a few months ago they were studying for
GCSEs and were
parents may think their
sixth formers are now responsible for their own
studies, evidence shows many need a
helping hand. Teenagers are notoriously bad at making
responsible, informed decisions and many are convinced that when their
friends say "I didn't do a stroke of work for this" etc they are telling the
truth. Most are not!
Here are some
areas where your
sixth-former may need some help or
Workload –
A levels and
BTecs are appreciably harder than GCSEs (a huge jump in some subjects).
Students also have to manage some
independent study and read around their
subjects. Keep a copy of their
timetable and
coursework dates so you can help them
prioritise and work accordingly.
Organisation – have a
day file to take to classes and
subject files at home so
notes and essays can be stored neatly and accessibly. When your teen is working on a
computer make sure they
back up all their work – nothing is worse that
losing essays or
Time management –
planning and
preparation are crucial to
studying effectively. Some subjects like drama, music and art have a heavier
time commitment and this has to be taken into account. Plus
sixth-formers have to factor in any
extra curricular activities or
voluntary work which will also help them with their
university application.
Free periods – some
courses, and some
schools, offer more
free periods than others and while it is tempting to
socialise, students would be wise to include some
study time. Discuss this with your teen's school. Some schools encourage
sixth-formers to work in the
common room or library, others allow
students to return home to work.
Rest and relaxation –
socialising during the week is generally
not a good idea but having some
fun at the weekend is.
Teens need their
sleep so make sure any
computers, TVs and
mobile phones are
turned off at an appropriate time (and
removed from their room if necessary).
Maintaining a dialogue – just as you were involved with your
child's education during the earlier years, so you should be during the
sixth form. Consult the school's or college's website to check for
meetings and
updates especially
careers talks and
university application.