publication date: May 5, 2014
author/source: Anne Coates

I suppose everyone has either used or seen someone applying a pack of frozen peas to an
Ice therapy ( also known as
cryotherapy) is well known to being relief but what about all those wasted peas?
Boots have the answer with their new TheraPearl packs which utilises a proprietary innovation known as Pearl Technology. This comprises non-toxic, tiny "pearls" that are incorporated within a range of specially designed knee wraps, shin wraps, neck wraps, contour packs, back wraps and eye masks. These pearls are soft and pliable and remain so even when frozen. This allows the products to easily conform to any part of your body, applying cold exactly and evenly where it is required – with no melting ice or water.
Applying ice immediately after an injury or physical trauma (the sooner the better) constricts blood flow and slows bleeding/swelling. Ice therapy reduces pain and muscle spasm and decreases the metabolic rate of cells, which limits the risk of cell death after an injury and helps prevent long-term damage.
I was sent the
Sports Pack which measures 19.1cm by 11.4cms. You place the pack in the
freezer for at least two hours before use. You can also cool it in the fridge which is something I do as that seems a
perfect temperature for me. I used it for a headache (rather than pain killers) and found it bought some relief.
TheraPearl packs are perfect for children who are now brought up on the "cold compress" idea for injuries as schools and nurseries are not allowed to administer medication. Also great for breastfeeding mothers. Every home should have one.
PWT rating: ♥♥♥♥♥
TheraPearl packs retail at £7.99 from Boots.