publication date: May 9, 2012
author/source: Anne Coates

Celebrity endorsements abound for
Vocalzone Throat Pastilles and as someone who often
suffers from an
irritated (and irritating!)
throat/cough I was delighted to discover them!
In 1912,
Vocalzone became available for the
public to buy in a
pastille form and was marketed as "The Throat Pastille
Created for Just one Man - The Great Caruso." Created by
Wiliam Lloyd FCRS a world renowned
Ear Nose and Throat Surgeon of his time,
Vocalzone contains
myrrh, derived
from the
myrrh tree and native to parts of the Middle East.
The ancient Egyptians used
myrrh as an
herbal antiseptic medicine, as it
possessed antimicrobial properties and is a natural
anti-inflammatory. It works by
stimulating circulation to mucosal tissues,
especially in the
bronchial tract, throat and
tonsils. It is an anti-inflammatory, an antioxidant,
antimicrobial, making it ideal for
painful or
swollen tissues in the
Vocalzone are great for irritation caused by
hay fever. I have tried these and found them to be very
effective and I'd particualrly
recommend them to pupils and students
sitting exams and, of course taking
oral exams as well as anyone who has to make a
speech or give a
PWT rating: ♥♥♥♥♥Vocalzone Throat Pastilles are available from
Vocalzone online and from music shops, health stores and independents chemists.