publication date: Jul 13, 2007
- In the UK 7000 women are diagnosed with ovarian cancer each year.

- 5000 of those diagnosed will die.
- Ovarian cancer has a 72 per cent death rate.
- If ovarian cancer is detected in the early stages, 95 per cent of women diagnosed will survive.
- There are no clear-cut symptoms and currently diagnosis can only be confirmed through surgery.
Boots is working with
The Eve Appeal to help support the largest
ovarian cancer screening trial in the world.
Buy a bracelet and help make some noise about the
silent killer.
Boots stores throughout
July and August, the bracelets will
raise awareness of the disease and
generate valuable
funds for
research into ovarian cancer.
Bracelets are available for a suggested
donation of £2 - but please be
generous, every penny raised will go directed to
The Eve Appeal.