publication date: Sep 22, 2007
author/source: Harvey Edginton

In the
same way that lottery ticket buyers
dream of winning the
big one with each purchase, so
metal detector users dream of
finding the new
Sutton Hoo, preferably in the
first 15 minutes and without too much
tiresome digging.
It comes as a
surprise that
Bill Wyman of the
Rolling Stones holds this
fantasy or needs the money to
endorse this metal detector.
certainly detects metal, as it should do. It lets off a
high pitch whistle, think
Sooty’s friend
Sweep on
helium, on the slightest
contact. It is
simple to
use having an
on button and only
two settings, beach and land.
But where it
falls down is not in the
electronics but in the
mechanics. The joint
designed to hold the
two pieces of the handle
together is
weak and falls
apart almost immediately. The
adjustable handle is similar to a hospital
crutch and only
adjusts about half an inch
downwards. So for my
little helpers aged
six and
nine it was
difficult to handle and
Although we
did not find a lost
civilisation in our
local wood, unless they
drank from
cans, we did have
fun digging out what
appears to be an old
rusty bolt and screw.
Bill Wyman’s
Signature Metal Detector costs £125 (inc P&P) and is
available from the website,, where you can
find out about
metal detecting, recording
your finds and how to use this
particular detector.