publication date: Oct 29, 2007

Every year a
high number of children sustain i
njuries that could result in a
hidden disability. According to
The Children's Trust, the number of children sustaining injuries that will result in an
Acquired Brain Injury (ABI) is approximately
5000. ABI is often called "
a hidden disability" and its effects frequently go
unrecognised by parents and teachers.
ABI can be caused by an
injury to the head, perhaps
sustained in a road accident or a
fall. Other causes of lasting
brain damage include:
- stroke,
- choking,
- near-drowning,
- severe illness such as meningitis.
Children with a
brain injury may look and behave
normally until they are put under
pressure or face a situation they are
unaccustomed to, such as the
transition from primary to
secondary school.
Children's Trust is currently
campaigning to raise awareness of
ABI and its
symptoms. Fiona Adcock
spokesperson for the Trust says, "Getting used to the
transition to secondary school can be
difficult for any young person, but for those with an
Acquired Brain Injury it's around this time of year that any
difficulties they have in thinking,
making friends and managing their
behaviour in class can start to have a
major negative impact on their lives."
When children go back to school after
October half term it's important that parents and teachers are
vigilant and support any child they think may have
sustained a brain injury in the past.
Common effects of ABI to be
aware of include:
- a shortened attention span,
- memory problems,
- extreme fatigue,
- balance/coordination problems.
more information visit