publication date: Aug 9, 2012
author/source: Anne Coates and Emily Elias

Harriet loves the
Chad Valley skittles set. We play mainly
indoors as they are very
lightweight so less stable in any
windy conditions but perfect for
indoor play. Brightly coloured and complete with two very light balls, this
game is perfect for
toddlers and slightly
older children allowing them to learn how to
roll a ball and aim at the
PWT rating: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
Cricket set (cricket bat, balls and stumps) is brightly coloured and very l
ightweight so easy for
small ones to use the
bat and easily portable. It also comes with
two balls, which is a nice touch given the regularity with which
balls go missing. The problem with it is that it's so
lightweight that the
stumps fall over. There are
three stumps which slide into a
base, so there are
no sharp ends, which is perhaps a
useful safety feature but means you
can't stick them in the ground, and the base is so light that it
won't sit on grass. Even on a flat surface it f
alls over with the slightest breeze. So a
perfectly good bat and ball set, but doesn't really cut the mustard as a
cricket set.
PWT rating: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥Chad Valley Skittle Set Argos £3.29
Chad Valley Kid's Cricket Set £0.99