publication date: May 28, 2011
author/source: Anne Coates

Harriet loves her
My Little Baby Born® – it was her first (and perhaps surprisingly given all the
toys she has) only
doll. She loves to
cuddle her and give her the
pink bottle – when she isn't
trying to feed the dog!
Now nearly 14 months,
Harriet was so excited when she saw my first
Baby Annabell® Time-to-Sleep arrive in her box. Of course she had to
wait a while as anyone will know who's bought an
Annabells they are firmly
attached in their packaging!
However once unwrapped
Baby Annabell Time-to-Sleep was an instant hit – even
without the batteries. Once she was fully
operational Harriet was amazed by the
doll who makes
gurgling baby sounds as well as
chuckles and moves her body and turns her head. When she falls
asleep the "
breathing" is a little
disconcerting – to adults but
not to Harriet.

Harriet loves the fact that
Baby Annabell's eyes open and close – something that had obviously puzzled her when
My Little Baby Born® kept her eyes firmly open! She's l
earning where to
touch the doll to activate her and, her
first doll having been called Baby, this one is
Baby Too (or Two).
PWT rating: ♥♥♥♥♥Zapf Creation's
My First Baby Annabell Time To Sleep
, suitable for children
one year plus, is available from Amazon.