publication date: Oct 25, 2011

first scan to baby's
first birthday, there are so many
memories to capture
and keep: first smile, first bath, first steps. Sadly,
prenatal scans
deteriorate over time, and
photographs become faded or lost.
Bathtub Admiral's "My First Year"
baby book is an easy-to-use
online solution that lets you
create your own
baby book of memories that won't fade away, printed and bound
just for you.
if you've been meaning to
catalogue your torn out magazine
recipes, family
favourite meals or handwritten recipes passed down through the
generations, create
your own
Cook Book, a lasting
record for all the family to enjoy.
Parenting Without Tears has five
£20 vouchers to be won. To be in with a chance of winning just
answer this question:
What is the title of the book featured in our Bathtub Admiral review?Enter hereWinners will be the senders of the
first five correct emails opened at random after 4pm on
Wednesday 23 November, 2011. Only
one entry per household.
Personalised photo books are priced from £18.75,