publication date: May 16, 2012
author/source: Anne Coates

Britax TRIFIX seat really is the Rolls-Royce of
child car seats. With design centres in Germany and the UK,
designers and
engineers use state of the art facilities to pioneer
innovative products and
set safety standards. They do all the simulated
crash tests that we all hope never to be involved in!
TRIFIX looks great and is approved for use in cars with
Top Tether achorage points. It's a
Group 1 car seat but ideally your child should be
aged one plus to use this up to
four years (18kgs).
Britax TRIFIX – apart from being their
safest seat – has numerous
selling points:
- deep softly padded side wings designed to protect from side impact collisions but also providing extra comfort;
- seat cover comes off easily for washing;
- multiple recline positions;
- buckle stays in forward position;
- ISOFIX arms retract for easy storage;
- special indicators show the ISOFIX catch arm hooks are properly engaged and that the V–Tether is pulled tight.

Watch installation video.
PWT rating: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
Britax TRIFIX retails at £319.99 and is available in a number of vibrant colours.