publication date: Nov 15, 2012
author/source: Anne Coates
Theme tunes from
children's programmes often stick in our minds for no apparent reason – or could it just be we've just been watching the
programmes too often?! So I was a little
hesitant to play
CBeebies The Album for Harriet.
However she loved the idea of her
favourite shows' music to dance to in her bedroom but resolutely stuck to her
favourites so that narrowed the choice somewhat. But these
songs are all perfect for
young children to
dance and sing along to.
Out of the
50 tracks, ten are – for the first time – from
CBeebies Presenters and include
Goodbye Sun, Hello Moon and the
Lunchtime Song. Harriet's favourites include
Wooly & Tig, Something Special, Postman Pat, Grandpa in my Pocket, Justin's House and
Baby Jake. They are the
CBeebies programmes she watches.
CBeebies The Album is good for a standby to
play in the car or to have ready at a
children's party for games of
pass the parcel and
PWT rating: ♥♥♥♥♥
CBeebies: The Album
is available from Amazon.