publication date: Oct 2, 2012
author/source: Julia Bairstow

Never having been
particularly concerned with the
care of my
finger nails, apart from obviously
keeping them clean and kept to a suitable length, it felt strange to try out
Champneys Cuticle Softener Nail Oil.
intensive conditioning
nail oil from the
Champneys Spa treatment range is made with sweet almond oil,
rice germ and meadow foam seed oil and it is intended to
help moisturise and
strengthen nails and
soften the cuticles.
It is recommended that
drop is applied to each
cuticle and massaged in. I was impressed with the
design of the bottle and the method of application. One press of the
applicator quickly fills the
tube and then it is very
easy to apply the oil to each of the
cuticles. The oil has a
pleasant aroma and once it is
massaged into the
cuticle, it takes no time at all to
I shall
continue to apply
this oil as I think it is about time that my
nails were given some
special care
and treatment. It is very
easy to use
and I am sure it is
economical, provided one is careful with the
applicator and
does not allow
too much oil to come out of the dropper, which happened to me on
first application. PWT rating: ♥♥♥♥♥Champneys Spa Treatments Cuticle Softener Nail Oil (£8.50) is available from
Champneys and