publication date: Jan 23, 2009

The picture above shows a group of children now. The photo below shows how they might look in 2050 if the current rising trend of obesity is not reversed.
The image attempts to help in bringing home the message to parents that obesity is an issue which may affect everyone not just children who are already overweight.

The Change4Life movement is also launching eight behaviour changes aimed at encouraging small manageable steps to help families eat well, move more and live longer. The changes are:
- Sugar swaps – tips on swapping sugary snacks and drinks for ones that are lower in sugar.
- Meal times - importance for kids having regular, proper meals as part of a routine
- Me-sized meals – ensuring kids get just the right amount for their age - not too little and not too much.
- Snack check - keeping a careful eye on how many snacks the kids are having.
- Five a day – tips on giving your kids five portions of fruit and vegetables a day - for kids, one portion is roughly a handful.
- Cut back fat - Fat-busting tips on how to tell where fat it’s lurking.
- 60 active minutes – tips for giving kids at least 60 minutes of activity a day. But it doesn’t have to be sport.
- Up and about – tips to get kids spending less time sitting down doing nothing and up and about being active so their bodies burn off enough fat.
There are various tips on staying healthy, plus further information on Change4Life on the website where visitors can also do a postcode search to find local services such as cookery clubs, after-school activities, sporting facilities and many more useful initiatives in their local area.