publication date: Jul 15, 2010
author/source: Alex Bell

For the last two weeks Pippa has been testing a new range of
training pants called "the pop-in cool fit" and "cosy fit training pants" made by
Close Parents.
The arrival of this
new product was perfectly timed – Pippa was two in March and is keen to be out of nappies. The combination of a
sunny summer and the
freedom afforded by these
training pants has made for a
stress-free transition and start to
We were fortunate enough to receive
two twin packs of pants - one
cool fit and one
cosy fit. Designed to look like
proper pants they are easy for Pippa to
pull down or up. The design is an attractive and
neutral white with a giraffe and zebra character in yellow and green embroidered on the front.
Most importantly the pants have the
hidden protection of an inner core and
waterproof layer which helps
minimise the mess from little
four pairs of
training pants has been essential. So far Pippa has needed a
couple of pairs a day, so that while two pairs
dry from previous night I have
two to use. I wash
everything at 30 but made the
mistake of washing all
four pairs at 60 to make sure they were
really clean. Despite the
sunshine none was ready the
following day so I'll not be batch washing them all
together again.
The training pants'
waterproof layer really does minimise mess but
minimise is the right word, it would be
wrong to think of them as
nappies as that's
not their function. I have found these
training pants fantastic and a huge
relief from the tyranny of
nappies or cancelling everything in order to
potty train (not an option for most busy lives).
can't recommend these enough and have already had a couple of friends ask me where they can
get hold of them.
training pants come in
four sizes – 12 to 18m, 18 to 24m, 2 to 2½ yrs and 2½ yrs + .
They come in
packs of two (£19) with each pair featuring an
embroidered character – Ziggy the zebra and Georgie the giraffe.
Available from and independent
nursery stores.