publication date: Jun 4, 2013

As thousands of pupils prepare for their exams this summer, they need to be aware of the importance of maintaining good eye health. The College of Optometrists is encouraging parents to help their children be as comfortable as possible during the exam season with the following top tips:
- If your child is using a screen for a long period they should practise the 20-20-20 rule. Every 20 minutes look 20 feet away (six metres) for 20 seconds to give the eye muscles a break and help increase the rate of blinking, keeping the eyes moist.
- Make sure that the top of the monitor is level with or slightly below horizontal eye level and that there are no reflections from the screen.
- If your child has been prescribed corrective eyewear for reading, it is important that they follow the advice given to them by their optometrist.
- It’s more comfortable to study in a well-lit room. Whilst reading in a dimly lit space is unlikely to cause any permanent damage to your child’s eyes, it could cause eye strain which can be uncomfortable and make your child’s eyes feel tired.
- If you or your child notices any problems with your child’s vision or if you’re at all concerned, you should take your child to an optometrist. NHS sight tests are free to children under 19 who are in full time education.
These tips apply all year round not just at exam time.