publication date: Nov 30, 2009
author/source: Rasheed Ogunlaru

needlessly stretch our finances, family relations and waistlines at
While it's a
season of good cheer for
children, it often spells tears,
stress, debt,
break-up and
unhappiness for adults. The secret to a happy Christmas it is
preparation, communication and moderation:
plan in advance,
avoid arguments and
spend, eat and drink in
The three wise keys of Christmas
Set a budget you can afford and stick to it: don't
give in all the ads, expectation and hype.
Decide who you do and don't want to spend time with
over Christmas and for how long.
Give everyone time and space to plan and to adjust/overcome any disappointment.
- Are times tough? Set a gift truce. Agree not
to buy each other gifts, or only buy for kids.
- Know your limits when it comes to food and drink.
Partying? Have fun but be measured - work and social
relationships can be harmed at Christmas.
Discuss sensitively: tell all concerned what you
will / won't be doing well in advance.
arguments - everyone can be on edge so step back to safer ground.
- Bury
the hatchet: use this time of peace and goodwill to end feuds and fights.
silver lining to the downturn, redundancies and
tough times in 2009 is that thousands of people will turn from spending
absurd amounts of money to spending lots of
quality time with loved ones – and getting their
values, life balance and
priorities right.
Rasheed Ogunlaru is one of the UK's leading
life/business coaches and
motivational speakers.
For further information or to find out how
coaching can help you call Rasheed Ogunlaru on 020 7207 1082, visit or email