publication date: Dec 5, 2011
author/source: Anne Coates

no denying that children – even quite small ones! –
love scooters. Harriet has been using her
bricks trolley as a
scooter for some time and if ever there's the opportunity to
try one out in the park when the owner
isn't looking she'll be there!
Now she has her own
super model – a
Mini Micro scooter with a
seat. This version is suitable for
toddlers from 12 months as the
Mini Micro Seat clips into a
Mini Micro scooter for those times when a "
ride-on" toy is required. Children can
push and ride until they are a little
steadier on their feet.

When the
seat is removed your
toddler has his or her first little
scooter. Then when they are ready to
graduate to the fast lane, the
plastic stem is simply swapped for a traditional
Mini Micro T-bar.
This version of the
Mini Micro scooter really is a
beautifully engineered and perfectly thought out toy. It makes an
excellent gift that is built to last until the child is about
five years old.
For parents with
several young children who are wanting to
economise this Christmas,
Micro Scooters UK are selling the
seat and stem separately. This means an existing
Mini Micro already outgrown by an older child can be turned into a
Mini Micro Seat. At just £29.95 for the
seat and stem, it’s a cost-effective way to ensure a young child gets their
first scooter.
Alternatively, you can buy the
Mini Micro Seat as one complete package which comprises a
three-wheeled scooter, the
seat and stem together with a traditional
T-bar. The
three-in-one option costs £74.95.
PWT rating: ♥♥♥♥♥Both are available from
Micro Scooters website