publication date: Nov 5, 2012
author/source: Anne Coates

When I went to the
Binatone/MOTOROLA new products launch I was impressed by the range of
baby monitors – from the very affordable
basic models to those with
video screens and a night vision mode.
The day the
MOTOROLA MBP36 Baby Monitor arrived for testing, Harriet went down with a vomiting bug. The
monitor was assembled and installed in minutes and brought enormous reassurance.
Baby Unit is simply plugged into a power supply and
placed where is will be out of the way of tiny hands. At
10cm tall the
Baby Unit is discreet and
small enough for a book shelf.
clean just wipe with a damp cloth.
Parent Unit takes 16 hours to fully charge but can be used while
plugged into the
power supply. From the
Parent Unit you can:
adjust the brightness - control volume
- play a lullaby
- zoom and pan round the room
- set an alarm – handy for administering medicine
- use the automatic Night Vision mode
Parent Unit also registers the
temperature in the child's room. Plus you can
speak to your child – you can imagine the
fun we've had with this! You can also turn off the
LCD display and leave the
audio monitor on.
MOTOROLA MBP36 Baby Monitor is an excellent piece of equipment well worth investing in. As your family grows you can add a
camera unit for a different room and it will prove
invaluable when family members are
unwell or you have a
child who has
special needs.
MOTOROLA MBP36 Baby Monitor is a sophisticated piece of
equipment which is simplicity itself to use.
PWT rating: ♥♥♥♥♥Motorola MBP36 Digital Video Monitor
is available from Amazon.
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