publication date: Oct 1, 2011

The new
Oginov Tumbler puzzle is
great fun for players aged
eight to adult. The first stage of this utterly
unique brain teaser from
Drumond Park Games (RRP a great-value £9.99) is relatively
easy to solve – but
puzzle then progresses to a further
five levels of challenge. The first two puzzles,
The Dots and
Colours, come in the
Oginov Starter Pack – in the shops now! For
The Dots you
have to match various numbers of dots - and for
The Colours, you are challenged
to create the perfect
colour combination.
To master the
puzzle, you follow the
easy instructions, flipping and tilting
see-through tumbler ball containing five pyramid-shaped pieces.
Gravity makes them "fall" into place – not always in the
right place, that's where the
skill comes in!
The game play for
each puzzle
is fully adaptable to
suit the players – for instance, they can
set their own
pattern or
time targets - or can
race their opponents or handicap themselves in
multiplicity of ways. Thus, the
puzzle also has great
playground appeal – and is perfect for
to play together, in groups. It has been
welcomed by both
and parents alike, who appreciate the
excellent value it represents, and the
progressive longevity of the
game play.
Oginov Tumbler puzzle will make an equally terrific
Christmas present for individuals, families and friends who enjoy
puzzles or regularly
games, and many of those people who "seem to have everything". It is also perfect as
stocking or
gift. It has its own interactive website,,
hints and tips and giving news and progress on the release of the
next two
twin puzzle-packs - on which
Dr Pantazis Houlis, the inventor, is
currently working.
To be in with a chance of winning a
Oginov Tumbler puzzle just answer this question:
Who invented the Oginov Tumbler puzzle?Enter hereWinners will be the senders of the first
ten correct emails opened at random after 4pm on
Friday 28 October, 2011. Only
one entry per household.
stockists visit
or call 01506 855577