publication date: Jun 3, 2010
author/source: Olivia Coates

Oxo Candela Tooli nightlights are bright and colourful, and are
perfect for
children's rooms or
bathrooms, especially during a trip to the loo at
night! These
rechargeable lights are easy and
hassle-free and stay lit for up to
eight hours (so
ideal at night). When not in use they
stand neatly in their
charger, and can be discretely
stowed away.
Candela Tooli nightlights are
portable, lightweight and
durable, and there are
no wires so nothing for children to trip or tamper with, and also enabling them to be
placed anywhere in the house, not just by an
electrical socket. The lights can be left in a
child's room overnight to comfort them in the dark, or in the
hall, and the imaginative and
individual design will never look out of place.
They are
cost efficient too as they
eliminate the need for
batteries or bulbs. Once lifted from the
charger the lights illuminate immediately, which would be very useful in a
power cut. The
lights can also be used
outside, which is perfect for the upcoming
summer BBQs, giving the garden a
colourful glow!
Candela Tooli Night Lights 2 Pack Blue/Green
are available from Amazon.