publication date: Aug 23, 2010

Keep your memories of the
summer holidays alive by making a summer scrapbook.
Paperblanks produce a wide range of
art inspired journals and diaries which
combine a love of
craft with
writing. The larger format is
ideal for keeping a
holiday diary or making a keepsake of
holiday memories.
scrapbook, like a photo album, is a way to
preserve memories of special days and times. For
younger children it can be kept simple with, just a
picture and a
caption on each page. For
older children and adults, there are
no limits and you can be as
creative as you like.
Basic scrapbook supplies:
- Paperblanks writing journal
- Crayons, markers or coloured pencils
- Scissors
- Glue
- Sticky tape
- Buttons, scraps of coloured or patterned fabric, pipe cleaners, shiny kitchen foil, cuttings from magazines or newspapers
- Collected items such as feathers, grasses, ticket stubs, party invitations, brochures
Depending on your
child's age, ability and attention span, your
summer scrapbook can be a week-long
project done at the end of the summer holiday, or a long project recording
childhood memories completed one page at a time. The
scrapbook could focus on a
special event such as a birthday party or holiday or each page could represent a different
activity such as a trip to the
park or the
Paperblanks scrapbooking tips: - Take lots of digital photos and design pages and layouts around them.
- Shiny paper such as wrapping paper and kitchen foil adds interest.
- Use photos or drawings laid on top of themed backgrounds. For example paste photos of the family holiday on top of a page from the holiday brochure.
- Add texture and colour by gluing leaves, flowers and grass
- Combine your child's love of painting and create a finger paint masterpiece on a page.
- No need to spend lots of money on scrapbooking materials, collect items from around the house such as buttons, fabric, and colourful paper.
Keeping a journal or creating a
scrapbook will encourage your children to enjoy being
creative and also result in a beautiful
keepsake to be treasured for years to come.
To win a selection of
Paperblanks journals for your family worth £50 simply answer this question below:
Which Paperblank format is ideal for a summer scrapbook?
Enter hereWinners will be the senders of the
first two correct emails opened after 3pm on
31 August, 2010. One entry per household.
Paperblanks ranges of art inspired
journals are available from
leading retailers, department stores and art shops across the UK. Please ring 00800 3333 8005 for details of your nearest