publication date: Aug 20, 2010

Every year, up to
100,000 pupils sit the
11+. Competition is fierce – up to
20 pupils battle for
each place. This September sees a new round of
pupils entering the
final year of study prior to many of them taking the
exam in 2011.
To help with the
preparation required to pass,
Trotman Publishing have launched a new series of books –
Practise & Pass 11+ - providing
step-by-step coaching.
The books, nine in total, are the
only series available to comprehensively
coach and test pupils at the same time.

Covering the four key 11+ subjects:
verbal reasoning, non-verbal reasoning, maths and
English, the series is split into three levels:
Discover, Develop and Practice.
For your chance to win a
complete set of books, simply answer the following
How many levels are there in the Practise & Pass 11+ revision guide series?
Enter hereThe
winner will be the
first correct email opened at random after 6pm on
31 August, 2010. Only
one entry per household.
Practise & Pass 11+ series from
Trotman Publishing is available to buy at £8.99 (per title) from all good bookshops and online at
Practise and Pass 11+ Level 3: Practice Tests Variety Pack: Real 11+ Multiple Choice Test Papers to Practise Until Perfect (Variety Pack) (Practise & Pass 11+ Level 3) (Practice & Pass 11+ Levl 3)
Practise and Pass 11+ Level 1: Discover English: An Introduction to 11+ and Entrance Exam Questions and Tests (Practise & Pass 11+ Level 1) (Practice & Pass 11+ Levl 1)
Practise & Pass 11+ Level 1: Discover Non-Verbal Reasoning: An Introduction to 11+ and Entrance Exam Questions and Tests (Practise & Pass 11+ Level 1) (Practice & Pass 11+ Levl 1)
Practise & Pass 11+ Level 1: Discover Verbal Reasoning: An Introduction to 11+ and Entrance Exam Questions and Tests (Practise & Pass 11+ Level 1) (Practice & Pass 11+ Levl 1)
Practise and Pass 11+ Level 1: Discover Maths: An Introduction to 11+ and Entrance Exam Questions and Tests (Practise & Pass 11+ Levl 1) (Practice & Pass 11+ Levl 1)
Practise and Pass 11+ Level 2: Develop Non-verbal Reasoning: Develop Your Knowledge of the 11+ Test to Pass with Flying Colours (Practise & Pass 11+ Level 2) (Practice & Pass 11+ Levl 2)
Practise and Pass 11+ Level 2: Develop Verbal Reasoning: Develop Your Knowledge of the 11+ Test to Pass with Flying Colours (Practise & Pass 11+ Level 2) (Practice & Pass 11+ Levl 2)
Practise and Pass 11+ Level 2: Develop English: Develop Your Knowledge of the 11+ Test to Pass with Flying Colours (Practise & Pass 11+ Level 2) (Practice & Pass 11+ Levl 2)
Practise and Pass 11+ Level 2: Develop Maths: Develop Your Knowledge of the 11+ Test to Pass with Flying Colours (Practise & Pass 11+ Level 2) (Practice & Pass 11+ Levl 2)