publication date: Jun 17, 2010
author/source: Olivia Coates

Tomy Digital Plus TD350 baby monitor is really easy to set up – and can be used straightaway, as long as both
monitors are left to charge for
six hours whilst in use. It
guarantees 100 per cent
interference-free and crystal clear
sound, which puts
parents at ease whilst the child is sleeping. With a
350 metre range one can freely walk around the house, (enjoying the rare moments of having both hands free!) with the
parent unit clipped to a pocket and relax, without
constantly checking on the baby – something I was prone to doing!
baby monitor unit has a built-in coloured
night-light, which can scroll the
colours of the rainbow or be set to just
one colour. The
remote controlled night-light can be used to
prevent the child being
woken from the overhead light too.
parent unit can be put on
silent, but the coloured
light display will alert you to your
baby's needs, ranging from a pale yellow to deep red, depending on her state. The
vibration mode can be used in very
noisy environments or for parents with
hearing difficulties and for those
parents who would prefer not to hear every
little murmur!
two-way talkback can be used to
reassure the child from afar or for
parents to speak to one another, if one needs something brought in!
There's a
timer on the baby unit which can be used to time
night time feeds, ensuring your baby has fed well and will therefore hopefully
sleep for longer periods of time! Both units display the
baby's room temperature, which encourages a parent to
relax, knowing their child is not
too hot or cold, something all
new parents worry about.
parent unit beeps to remind the parent to
charge it and when charging the
unit produces even better quality sound. The
pager on the
baby unit can be used to find the
parent unit if lost – which has happened to me
numerous times in the short time I have been using it! If the
baby unit should be
turned off accidentally or stop working, the
parent unit beeps alerting the parent to the
I have been really
more relaxed using the
Tommy Digital Plus TD350 monitor and I
recommend it to any new parents.