publication date: May 11, 2012
author/source: Anne Coates

Be part of something big on 12 May. It’s
World Fair Trade Day, and people all over the
globe will celebrate by having
Fairtrade Breakfasts in their communities, homes, businesses, schools and places of worship – just about everywhere!
Last year, almost a
quarter of a million people got involved. Let’s make it a
wonderful day to
raise awareness about making
trade fair and the need to
support farmers and workers in the
developing world.
For a full set of
Fairtrade breakfast recipes
Plus if your
children have a weekend treat of
sweets it's reassuing to know that
The Jelly Bean Factory ® – a personal favourite! – uses only
Fair Trade sugar
in their 75g
Gourmet Jelly Bean Boxes
which helps support the
Kasinthula Cane Growers Association (KCGA) in the Shire
River Valley District of
Chikwawa, southern
As well as being
Fairtrade certified, the
Gourmet Jelly Beans are
Free, Nut Free, Gelatine Free, GMO Free, Halal certified and
Kosher compliant
as well as being suitable for
vegetarians and