publication date: Feb 13, 2012
Mary’s Meals is a global movement that sets up
school feeding projects in some of the poorest parts of the world where
hunger and
poverty stop children from gaining an
By providing a
daily meal in a place of
education, children are attracted to the
classroom where they can get a
basic education that can be their
ladder out of poverty.
Malawi, where the
charity is celebrating a
decade of feeding children, 20 per cent of the
primary school population receive
Mary’s Meals. Each child is g
iven a daily serving of likuni phala – a vitamin enriched maize porridge served in plastic mugs.
Each child is responsible for their
own mug, ensuring they get a fair portion every school day. Some carry them around their
neck on a piece of string to make sure they
don’t miss out. 
Now supporters of
Mary’s Meals can have their own
big blue mug. The
plastic mugs are being offered as an
alternative gift for a minimum donation of
£7 each, which is how much it costs
Mary’s Meals to feed a child for a
whole school year in Malawi.
If you are planning to give
Easter eggs, why not use the mug as an "
egg cup" to remind us of our own
good fortune? As well as being able to drink from it, the
mugs also have
lids that allow them to be used as
collecting cans.
600,000 children currently receive
Mary’s Meals every day in 16 different countries, including
Malawi, Kenya, Liberia and
Big Blue Mugs are available for distribution in the UK. To find out more, please go to
Mary's Meals.