publication date: Dec 1, 2009
author/source: Lucy Bairstow

Acu Hoop is weighted and so
differs quite considerably from a t
raditional small hula hoop. The one I tried wa 1.5lb (Small), which is designed for children and
teenagers weighing between 40 and 80lbs.
First of all I had to
assemble the hoop following the
instructions on the box, which proved slightly
more difficult than I had originally thought. The
Acu Hoop is made up of
eight brightly-coloured
curved segments, which when fitted together,
form the hoop, approximately
36 inches in diameter.
You have to be
careful to make sure that all the
segments are fastened
securely and at the right angle, otherwise when in use the
hoop will come apart and
fly across the room, which happened to me on
several occasions!
I have been using the
Acu Hoop for about a
fortnight now and started by
exercising for between one and
three minutes each day for the first week. At first it hurt my
stomach muscles, and was very difficult
to keep the actual hoop in
motion. I had to work
very fast and move to keep the hoop going, to stop it
falling on to the floor. However, the more
layers of clothing I wore, the
less pain I felt!
By the
second week I had increased the time to between
five and ten minutes a day, and although I could still feel the
impact on my abdominal
muscles, it didn’t really hurt any more and
I felt that I could have
increased the time even longer.
I found the
Acu Hoop really fun and felt that using it was very
good exercise and that it was actually doing me some good.
Ideally you need plenty of space to
practice with the hoop, preferably outside in a
garden, which would be absolutely
essential if adults were to use the hoop for
arm and neck slimming exercises.
Acu Hoops are priced
from £12.99 for children sizes and from £35 for
adult sizes.
Order online at or telephone
020 8203 5171 for mail order services.