
Bullying - is your child the victim or perpetrator?

publication date: Apr 27, 2007

In all cases of bullying the perpetrator must be made to apologise and see that this behaviour is unacceptable. However this child needs your love and support as much as any child who finds himself the victim. Many children who become bullies have themselves been bullied – and sometimes this is by parents or other adults.

Your child may be a bully if he:
  • Comes home with things which don’t belong to him.
  • Tends to have few friends.
  • Is larger than his peer group.
  • Is having difficulties with schoolwork.
  • Always wants his own way and likes to be the centre of attention.
  • Is rude to adults.

Signs your child may be being bullied:
  • He takes a packed lunch but comes home ravenously hungry.
  • Has torn or missing items of clothing.
  • Books/pens etc going missing.
  • Unexplained cuts or bruises.
  • Unusual reticence to go to school.
  • Suddenly starts wetting the bed.
  • Unable to sleep.
  • Older children may start playing truant.

All schools have to have a written policy on bullying. And whether your suspect your child of bullying or being bullied you should involve the school who should help with strategies to resolve the situation. has a range of resources for parents and pupils to counteract bullying.