publication date: Aug 23, 2011
author/source: Georgina Collins

Like lots of
four year olds, Sandy is
dinosaur mad – verging on obsessed.
Dino Bite is a fun
new game for every dinosaur fan. Each
player bravely takes turns to save the newly hatched
baby dinosaurs from beneath the
gaping jaws of the ferocious
T-Rex. But gently does it,
one wrong move and T-Rex
roars out loud and
lunges forward revealing his scary
sharp teeth!
Sandy excitedly helps me set the
game up. He thinks it
looks great. The
T-Rex stands over a
large green leaf covering 20
baby dinosaurs. The
plastic feels
substantial and the
jungle sound effects complete the scene. Sandy
rolls the dice and anxiously uses the
tweezers to pluck a
red dino baby out – "does it really bite?" he
asks nervously looking at the T-Rex.
take it in turns to roll the
coloured dice, carefully
lift the leaf and remove the
dino babies. I manage
to rescue four before the
T-Rex lunges at my hand. I can’t help
jumping and
laughing! Sandy looks relieved – I’m not sure if he’s
comforted because I’m not really hurt, or whether he’s pleased that I’m the one that got caught! We set it up to
play again.Drumond Park’s Dino Bite (RRP £19.99) is for
two to four players, aged four plus. The
game is lots of
fun for all the
family. It is also
simple enough for Sandy to happily
play alone with his friends and it has been a
playdate hit with boys and girls alike.
PWT rating: ♥♥♥♥♥
Drumond Park Dino Bite Action and Reflex Game 
is available from Amazon.