publication date: Oct 14, 2012
author/source: Hazel Bothma

Frida and her friends were
excited when I told them we were going to try a new
game. The very name,
Pumpazing caused a few giggles, and the
brightly coloured box was opened with enthusiasm.
Pumpazing is an
action game from
Drumond Park with a rrp of £19.99. The
game is said to be developed for
pre-schoolers and above and with that in mind is
simple to operate. There are
four coloured heads that are placed on the top of the
Zingy, and in a pass-the parcel style approach
each child gets to pump the
Zing’s arms as fast as they can until
Zingy shouts “zing” or “boing” as one of the
Zingers comes flying off.
next player then pumps as fast as they can. If Zingy says “uh oh” as the
Zinger shoots across the room then
that player is out (okay you try tell a
four year old they are out before a
game has started).
We played a
few rounds of the game, and once Frida and her friends had
worked out was happening they got bored. The first time the
head when zinging off they did laugh, but also got
frustrated if they had to
pump for too long for something to happen.
There is a
longer version of the game involving little
cards for older children, but as
Pumpazing is limited to “shooting” off “zinger heads” by pumping arms on the zinger I am not sure it would
hold the attention of slighter older children.
Personally, I would find paying
almost £20 for this game too much. I can see perhaps the
value of having it at a
picnic, on the beach or just for a
party, but as there is
no skill involved or learning, I cannot see it been
played with again and again.
Fun initially, but not engaging over the long term!
PWT rating:♥♥♥♥♥Hazel rated this
2.5 but as we don't include
half hearts we've been generous and given it
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