publication date: Jun 6, 2012
author/source: Louise Pollard
Really Rotten Experiments kit had many of the features of the
Horrible series: poo,
farts, trumps , vomit and stinky smells. Always a
winner with boys, the
activities that my son Joe gravitated towards were to
make a poo (out of plaster of Paris, to be painted in poo
colours later), play with and learn about the
fart pot and make the
cockroach soap.
We did the
sick stomach experiment, but
Joe who is a bit
squeamish found this a bit much. In fact it was only banana, vinegar
and bicarb of soda fizzing out of the
replica stomach. I've seen worse on a
night out!
I disagreed with one of the
experiments, making a seriously
sandwich. It was to be made of
mustard, onion and stilton cheese. Personally
this sounded quite a
tasty combination to me, (light on the mustard, but with a
bit of rocket on artisan bread ). It claimed that this
sandwich would make you
want to throw up!
Not a good message to children in my view!
A number of
experiments are yet to be completed,
but these
require a friend. They are the
less messy ones mysterious mirror writing,
weird walking water and double
instructions were very cautious about
safety, and a
pair of
goggles were included in the
Really Rotten Experiments kit..
Joe (ten) says:
The instructions were really
easy to follow. I thought the
kit was fun.
I am going to keep the
cockroach soap and take it on my next
school trip. I am
going to use the
fake poo to trick Dad into thinking that the
cat has done a
poo in the
living-room, and listen out for the ranting and raving! I will try
some of the other
experiments when a friend comes round. They sound fun too.
PWT rating: ♥♥♥♥♥Galt Really Rotten Experiments
is available from Amazon and
Galt Toys.