publication date: Dec 15, 2012
author/source: Anne Coates

I have been amazed at how quickly very
young children learn to use a
touch screen but it's not quite so
endearing when you have one of your
favourite photos or an
important file deleted!
So step forward the
LeapPad2 Explorer – mark two of the
learning tablet both of which featured in the last two years'
Dream Dozen toys.
This is a "
toy" which will keep a child amused for hours! Using the
stylus to touch and open
games and
ebooks, the
LeapPad2 Explorer encourages
creative play in the
art studio and cooperative play with some of the
LeapPad2 Explorer can be set up for as many as
three children. You just enter the
name, date of birth and
gender for each one plus you can add a "
word of warning here you will need
four AA batteries which you insert into the
tablet before using the
USB cable to connect to a computer. Plus it is worth setting the
tablet up before
Christmas morning as it takes about
20 minutes and the wait might prove too much for
small techies!
LeapPad2 Explorer feels nice and
solid to hold for small hands but has "cool" appeal for
older children. It's simple to buy
new apps which range from £5 to £20 and include
ebooks, games and videos in
French, Italian and Spanish to add to the five which are included plus it has
front and back cameras so the owner can snap herself or the
Christmas party – sigh of relief from all
camera-owning adults!
tablet will grow in usefulness as your child progresses in
skills and learning and is one of the
best investments for a Christmas or
birthday present.
LeapPad2 Explorer is an
ideal gift –
educational and great fun!
PWT rating: ♥♥♥♥♥For fuller details of key features see our
LeapPad 2 Explorer competition LeapFrog LeapPad2 Explorer Tablet (Green)
LeapFrog LeapPad2 Explorer Tablet (Pink)
ar both available from Amazon at £68.