publication date: Jan 23, 2012
author/source: Anne Coates

Bookshelves abund with
first word books in a variety of guises. THis one from Priddy has a padded cover which makes it feel rather nice.
My first words is bright and colourful from the cover on. Harriet loved the
ducks on the inside cover and enjoyed "
reading" on her own, picking out items,
food, animals etc that she recognised.
Each page has
poses a question –
Can you touch your nose? or
Which pet lives in water? or
How many...– and encourages conversation. The
pages aren't board but they are r
eassuringly thick for little fingers to turn.
The more Harriet and I have explored
My first words, the more we both like it. It certainly beats the
one item per page type of book and the way items are
grouped together is intuitive and pleasing. Even better the
text for the
labels is in lower case – seeing
capital letters everywhere is one of my pet hates! The way the
My first words progresses into shapes, colours and numbers means a
toddler will not outgrow it too quickly!
My first words is an excellent addition to Harriet's
PWT rating: ♥♥♥♥♥Baby Basics My First Words
is available from Amazon.