publication date: Jan 8, 2011
author/source: Debbi Scholes
Stitch 'n Bitch Superstar Knitting by Debbie Stoller is hardly for the complete
knitting beginner, but if you want
detailed instructions on how to increase your
repertoire of stitches to include
techniques such as Fair Isle,
lace and knitting with beads, this book offers
competent knitters clear diagrams and concise instructions.
Together with
patterns to guide you through creating more than
40 funky garments,
Stitch 'n Bitch also shows you how to
design your own
patterns for garments and accessories.
Patterns that made me drool and itch to pick up some
needles include a flower-bedecked
embroidered bag, using the intarsia technique; a delicate yet
sexy summer dress; a bunny-bestrewn
baby blanket and a mohair shrug that's
perfect to wear over a
party frock. There's even a
cosy dog sweater, but as I have a
shaggy collie rather than a delicate "handbag" dog, it's a unlikely to be a pattern I'll ever attempt!
Until 31 January 2011, readers of
Parenting Without Tears can buy a copy of
Stitch 'n Bitch Superstar Knitting at the special price of £11.99, including p&p.
order your copy, please call 01206 255777, quoting ref
Stitch 'n Bitch Superstar: Go Beyond The Basics
is available from Amazon.